My personal passion lies in designing children’s spaces, because there are fewer limits. Bold colors in a nursery invite play and whimsy, and inspire creativity in older children’s rooms. My interest kicked into high gear after I had my own little ones. I wasn’t working when I was pregnant with my daughter, Marin, and it was my only creative outlet. If I am not involved in doing something creative, I go crazy!
I grew up in a small town in Ohio, and moved to Arizona to pursue my design degree at Northern Arizona University. I took every art class available in high school and college – painting, pottery, stained glass making, sculpture and photography. I have tried it all! When I was younger, I would beg my mom to take me to the craft store. I would wander the aisles, touching the fabrics, reams of colorful papers and baubles, and dream of the endless projects I could create. In fifth grade, I made little television broaches my mom sold at the public television station where she worked; the most rewarding thing was seeing her friends wearing them!